Circle Holding Podcast

We dive into the joys and challenges of holding talking and listening circles together, and with diverse guest circle facilitators.

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Series 1: Episode 1: Who are we? Our favourite talking circles

with Julia & Tessa

Series 1: Episode 2: Overcoming Imposter Syndrome and Stepping into Group Facilitation

with Kate Codrington

Series 1: Episode 3: What is a circle?

with Julia & Tessa

Series 1: Episode 4: Radical Empathy Through Sharing Stories

with Lee Keylock

Series 1: Episode 5: What is Holding Space

with Julia & Tessa

Series 1: Episode 6: Team Work Makes the Dream Work

with Red School

Series 1: Episode 7: How to Hold Space for Big Feelings and Big Personalities

with Julia & Tessa

Series 1: Episode 8: Circle as the Container for Transformational Breathwork

with Benedict Beaumont

Series 1: Episode 9: Stop Interrupting! Attunement and Reciprocity in Listening

with Julia & Tessa

Series 1: Episode 10: Children’s Circles and Rites of Passage

with Jane Bennett

Series 1: Episode 11: Lets Talk Money

with Julia & Tessa

Series 1: Episode 12: Separation, Ordeal, Return: Creating Men’s Circles

with Lee Stagles

Series 1: Episode 13: Are Circles Woo Woo

with Julia & Tessa

Series 1: Episode 14: A Labour of Love: Building a Circle Holding Non Profit

with Becoming Mums

Series 1: Episode 15: From Monastery to Participatory Democracy

with Andy Paice

Series 1: Episode 16: Series Finale! Challenging & Magical Circles

with Julia & Tessa