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In series two of this podcast, we bring you insights into circle holding, whether you are an (aspiring) circle facilitator or attendee, through interviews with experienced circle holders and conversations between Julia and Tessa, the founders of Circle Holding.

In this episode, Tessa and Jenny Burrell (https://www.burrelleducation.com/) covered:

- Learning the value of silence

- How online circles can be just as powerful as in person ones but guidelines may need to be slightly different

- You might think group coaching is about really cool questions but it's mostly about listening

- The difference between feedback and reflection in circle

- As group facilitators or circle holders we can be human rather than perfect and this makes us into more compassionate leaders

and much more!

Get your free Start Your Circle Guide http://eepurl.com/iJH3pw

Our book Circle Holding: A Practical Guide to Facilitating Talking Circles is available at https://www.amazon.co.uk/Circle-Holding-Practical-Facilitating-Talking/dp/1805013157/

Or you can get 10% off the book through the publisher using code CIRCLEHPOD10 at checkout on this link only: https://uk.singingdragon.com/products/circle-holding

Find details of the next free mini training and Q&A here and all our upcoming trainings on the Training menu above.