Yoga Nidra & Circle Holding

Mondays 9 Sept to 14 Oct 2024

New time - 12:30-14:30 BST (Zoom)

Replays & Support Material

What you'll learn

  • How to create your own unique yoga nidra

  • How to hold circle, create a brave space & use circle skills within the context of sharing yoga nidra

  • Create yoga nidra practices for a specific group

  • How to manage circle dynamics and timings in circle

  • Gain confidence in sharing yoga nidra

  • Co-create a yoga nidra for an individual client

I feel I have gained confidence in my sharing of nidras and using my own style with them.

I feel so happy to know I can weave stories and poetry in to the practice. Not just my own but others too. It felt so good to share in the group and of course hear everyone else’s styles and ideas.

I absolutely filled my intentions for doing the course - more confidence in finding and using my voice.
— Brenda Rock

See more details and testimonials via the link below or book a clarity call to see if the course is the right fit for you with Julia or Tessa.

Samples of Julia & Tessa’s Yoga Nidra tracks

Sleep Yoga Nidra (20 mins) and Trauma-Informed Nidra using Bilateral Stimulation (20 mins)