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In this episode, Julia and Tessa covered:
- The benefits of both online and in person circles
- The challenges of online and additional guidelines you might put into place
- The additional work that an in person circle might involve in setting up the physical space
- Examples of how both online and in person circles have worked with different demographics.
Get your free Start Your Circle Guide http://eepurl.com/iJH3pw
Our book Circle Holding: A Practical Guide to Facilitating Talking Circles is available at https://www.amazon.co.uk/Circle-Holding-Practical-Facilitating-Talking/dp/1805013157/
Or you can get 10% off the book through the publisher using code CIRCLEHPOD10 at checkout on this link only: https://uk.singingdragon.com/products/circle-holding
Find details of the next free mini training and Q&A here and all our upcoming trainings on the Training menu above.