Circle Holding Book Club Online

Book Club - Group 1

Dates: Tuesdays 12, 19, 26 November, 3 December 2024

Time: 1945-2100 GMT

Book Club - Group 2

Dates: Thursdays 16, 23, 30 January, 6 February 2024

Time: 1230-1330 GMT

with Julia Davis & Tessa Venuti Sanderson

Pre-Order Your Book so that you have read Chapters 1-3 before coming to the first week


What happens at Circle Holding book club.

  • For 4 weeks join the online Circle Holding Bookclub via zoom with exploration of the main concepts in “Circle Holding: A Practical Guide to Facilitating Talking Circles” and Q&A

  • This is an integrated programme of reading, listening, reflection and time to discuss the practical application of the circle practices shared in the book.

  • Lean into a wonderful circle gathering each week with the same people and experience the magic of circletime while crystalising how it happens!

  • Each week you are invited to:

    1. Read 2-3 chapters before Club

    2. Join in the circle by sharing and/or listening

    3. If you wish, complete the exercises in the chapters

    4. Perhaps be inspired by the Book Club to start your own circle

  • Timing is UK time so please check with your local time zone. Let us know if you’re in a different time zone and let’s see what we can arrange.

  • Join a lovely community of likeminded circle holders on a journey of discovery with “Circle Holding: A Practical Guide to Facilitating Talking Circles”.

✺ Frequently asked questions ✺

  • No recordings will be made. This is a live circle experience

  • If you miss a session you will not be able to catch up because all sessions are live.

  • Yes you will need to buy the book in advance of book club and read various chapters before each session.

  • You will not receive a certificate at the end of Book Club. You will have experienced circle time and engaged with key concepts around facilitation: the art and skill of it. You can continue on to a comprehensive course with us if you wish.

  • We would encourge you to start your circle whenever you feel ready. However we only share details of circles from people who have participated in our training courses.

  • If you are over 18 you are welcome to come along. All genders welcome. We limit the number of attendees for full participation